Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't Forget to Dance

Okay, so I made a lot of really wonderful (some may say lofty) resolutions for not just 2011, but for the remainder of my life. Here's a recap.

This year I resolve to:
~Practice a vegan diet and eat more salads
~Buy organic when possible
~Drink more tea, less coffee
~Cook more with variety
~Research and Learn
     + Ask questions
     + Read
     + Converse
     + Explore
     + Listen
~Build new relationships and strengthen old ones
~Focus on family
~Live actively, not idly

So, here's how I've been doing. The salads this isn't working out for me so far.. but I've also been doing some research on seasonal foods and how we crave certain foods that grow locally and seasonally for a reason. They interact with our bodies differently! No wonder I've been eating a TON of soup lately. Honestly, all I want is soup for the most part. 

I'm am doing much better about drinking tea instead of coffee. It is really hard not to go to Starbucks when I'm on campus because it has always been a relaxing fall-back for me. I also know that coffee is a huge comfort for me, physically and emotionally. When I'm stressed or I'm cramping, doesn't matter, coffee makes me feel better.

Being vegan is going well. I slip a little every now and then (I really, really miss cheese. Cream cheese is a weakness.) I don't crave meat at all anymore really and that took a while, so maybe I'll eventually flush my body of desire and addiction for dairy.
I have recently discovered that non dairy ice cream (made with almond milk) is just as delicious at regular ice cream. But, in my quest to find a replacement for ice cream that isn't just a dairy substitute, I have found sorbet. Oh my goodness.. delicious, delicious, and like 3g of fiber in a serving.

On my quest to explore new things, I came  across an opportunity to go to Uganda with Nourish International this summer for 6 weeks. While there, I will be helping to add another room to an orphanage, as well as plant crops and teach the children and the community how to cultivate their land so that they can provide more food and nutrition for their community!!! How stinking cool is that!!? Our first interest meeting is on Thursday and I really can't wait.

I'm still trying to nurture past relationships and build new ones. I've run across some old friends the past few days and I hope that I'll be able to rekindle those friendships. I'm also hoping to make new friends through Nourish International. I can't wait to meet people that really want to make a difference.

This week is nuts and extremely busy. I'm hoping to get back in touch with my family next week when things are a little more calm. (I still have to tell my parents about Uganda.) I've really missed going to Nick's parents' house this week for what is become our traditional Tuesday night vegan dinners. I feel like I've gained another family. : )

I've been trying to write and reflect more as it centers and calms me. I'll be back soon with more challenges and stories.

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