Monday, February 28, 2011

Vegan Champ!

So, my life has been consumed by food the last couple weeks... like more than usual if you can imagine. I really have been in an off mood and nothing has really interested me except for food and cooking.. I have done very minimal school work... eek. I'm hopefully going to get on top of that this week.

But, since I've been doing a lot with food lately (I wish I had pictures) I'm gonna tell you about some of the yummies I have experienced.

I have recently been in a pinch for money and have been trying to stretch my food dollar as much as I can. So, Friday night I was searching through my cookbooks for something that I could make with the very skimp amount of food in my pantry (there was nothing in the fridge if that gives you any clue). So, I made some lentils cooked with dried herbs and I also made some Jasmati rice to go along with it. After I cooked both of those, I combined them, drizzled flax oil on top and doused in fresh squeezed lemon juice (the lemons were my roommates, shh). Omg.. delicious. It was so easy too. While, I was waiting for the lentils and rice to cook I prepped for making vegan peanut butter cookies to take to Louisville for my volleyball team. They were perfect. gluten-free and incredible. They were the perfect softness and a big hit.

The interesting part of my weekend was going out to dinner with my team and their parents.. It is the first time I've been out to eat since really committing to being vegan. It was interesting but I pulled it off. Of course we went to an Italian restaurant where everything is covered in cheese and butter and all of the salad dressings are made with eggs. Thankfully I had a very well educated server who talked me through some options and I ended up getting a salad with some olive oil and basalmic vinegar and then I ordered a veggie pizza with no cheese. It was great. I ate practically the whole thing. The rest of the weekend I ate lots of fruit, hummus and veggies. It was perfect and I was full the whole time.

Today, I made it to the grocery store before the floodgates opened up on Knoxville. I made enchiladas for lunch. I halfed the recipe and only ate half of that and I'm still sooo full.

On that note, I'm going to try to remember to eat only until I'm satisfied, not stuffed full. This is an obvious way to stretch food dollars.. eat less! Duh! It is just so unfortunate to cook only for myself. Because I like to cook new things everyday but I always have leftovers. I am trying to half recipes and such so I don't waste any food and still can eat a lot of variety.

Anyway, tomorrow night it's lemon garlic pasta and caesar salad. : ]

Monday, February 21, 2011


When I wake up some mornings I just have no will to carry on through the day. That was this morning. I was utterly depressed upon waking. So, I skipped class and made vegan pancakes instead! They were wonderful. I ate too many because no one was home for me to share with unfortunately. Cleaning is normally a go-to activity when I'm feeling low and that definitely helped.

The jump start to my day was definitely when my new friend that is living in Berkeley at the moment text me and told me to get my butt moving because I'm supposed to go climbing with him when I go to Cali for Spring Break.


I bought my tickets today. : ] So, I went for a jog and it was really great to see some other physical changes in my body from my vegan diet. I ran 4 miles. It was beautiful, albeit very windy, outside today and so I just went for it. When I was running often, I would often lose my breath while running before my legs actually were too tired. But today, I was breathing fine, it was just my lack of muscle that was making the run a little tough. That was so great to feel my lungs working well and not have phlegm in my throat making it difficult to breathe (that mucus comes from dairy, hence why most singers don't drink milk).

That really put me in a better mood. I finished up some leftovers tonight and while I was examining my fridge and pantry I realized I have very few items in either place. I'm trying not to spend much money so I am extremely pumped about the fact that the few items I have will work perfectly together to make a great pasta for dinner tomorrow. Sundried tomatoes, onions, garlic, green olives. I have chickpeas and am going to do some research to see if I can make a creamier sauce with chickpeas and oil and some lemon juice/zest. I think creamier would be better for me tomorrow. I have no clue what breakfast or lunch will be. I guess pancakes again for breakfast because that's really all I have and then an early dinner before practice.

I'm pumped about food. I'm really glad for good friends (one of which is hopefully moving into my room tomorrow to keep me from going insane with my thoughts) and for new friends.

So, in the end, it's been a pretty good day after all. : ]
Water Scarcity in India (      

I watched a ton of documentaries yesterday. Please don't shop at Wal-Mart or other corporate giants like that, and pay attention to the amount of water you use because a lot of people don't have clean drinking water and Earth's supply of fresh water is decreasing due to humanity's carelessness. : [
That's all.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I ate waaay to much pizza and waaaay too many brownies tonight. This was my first endeavor with vegan pizza and brownies. The brownies are totally awesome (perhaps too awesome), and the pizza was great too. Next time I have pizza though, I'm definitely making my own crust and I'm leaving off the vegan cheese. I've never had a vegan cheese until tonight and it just didn't make me feel that well, it was too melty.  But, yes, my own crust because I want something less processed and no cheese, I had enough veggies.

Natalia LOVED my vegan brownies and asked for the recipe. I'm so glad they turned out well.
I watched another documentary on food and medicine. I love those because they give me encouragement for my lifestyle.

I want to try to eat more raw foods for my health..

Sorry, I'm a little scatter-brained right now. This was a weird post.

Panini Pizzas!

So, this week has been a really wonderful one. I sort of feel like I'm coming down from a high though. The weather was awesome this week, and it put me in an extremely good mood. On Tuesday I made brussel sprouts with some red bell pepper, water chestnut and rice. I could probably do without the water chestnut next time but the brussel sprouts were awesome. I don't know how they've gotten such a bad rap.

Wednesday was just leftovers (aka. cookies!!) and then I stayed at my parents' house for the night. My mom and I watched Oprah and had some good conversation. She is starting to be more supportive and understanding of my decision to be vegan. I'm very glad for that. The main reason I went to stay there was on Thrusday morning my mom and I mad VEGAN PANCAKES!! My mom loves pancakes and I thought that would be cool for her. They were delicious! They were thinner, more like flapjacks, but they tasted great, were gluten-free and whole grain. She loved them.

I'm extremely tired. I didn't sleep much last night, but I got one of my cookbooks in the mail (the others should come today) and got to look through that last night.

Weekend plans:
Tonight I'm making pizzas and brownies with Natalia and Julia. I really wish Leah were home to join. Vegan brownies are going to be awesome!! After my lab I'm going to do a quick coffee detox and clean up my room a bit, then Natalia, Jules and I are going to the grocery store (the co-op, Earth Fare and probably Kroger for the non-foodies) to get ingredients. I haven't had vegan pizza yet and I can't decide if I want to just cover my pizza in veggies or put a little vegan-rella on top.. hmm. I'll decide when it gets to be crunch time. Natalia doesn't know about the co-op yet so I'm excited to take her there. She will love it! I hope that she will get to be vegan or even vegetarian someday. That would be cool. She'd really enjoy it.
I want to have a chard salad with my pizza tonight but I'm not sure what to drizzle on my greens so I'll have to do some quick research for that.

I think we're going dancing after our food digests and then tomorrow is all about some exercise! I have practice and I'm going to run because I'm a wimp now. I may even head out to Farragut to run tomorrow since my dad needs to change 2 of my lights on my car. Hmm.. homework alllll day on Sunday. And probably more food.. : ]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Detox and fresh start

So, I cleanse my whole system this weekend with a fast and a liver detox (the liver detox was rough, had to drink an awful concoction). I feel so much better now though!! I was not eating very well and was super stressed and the detox has really helped with that. Life is still throwing rocks in my path but I'm persevering. Today was my first day being able to eat a real meal again and I have had a wonderful food day! I made some lemon, asparagus linguine with added sundried tomatoes that was just fabulous.

My roommate just recently told me about a co-op in Knoxville that sells locally grown, organic produce and such, so I made my first visit there today as well as to my beloved Earth Fare. I spent a little more on groceries today than I had anticipated but that was mainly for items such as oil, vinegar, and almond extract that do not need to be purchased often, and now I have them around to utilize.

I also made my first batch of vegan cookies!! They turned out to be marvelous. Even my non-vegan friend who ate with me enjoyed them a lot! And I do not feel awful after having, yes, four cookies. Lol. I used refined sugar and white flour because I have it and need to get rid of it. I wonder if I can take my white flour and refined sugar to Earth Fare and have them replace it for me in their pantry make-over thing... There's an idea! I'll have to get on that one! Yay!

I have a ton of cookies left over and a few other things left in my fridge from before my fast. Maybe I'll head to Earth Fare tomorrow and pick up some things and try to get my flour and sugar swapped.
So excited about being vegan, and I love it more every day. Each day I feel better, physically, mentally, and even emotionally (and it's been a pretty emotionally rough couple of days). I wish others would understand this just by taking my word for it. How do I get people to try out losing the dairy, eggs and butter. I guess people will just have to see how much I love it and the wonderful effects it has on my body.

Until another time!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Burnt out.

This week has been an extremely crazy one. I have had a ton of stuff for school to do and extracurriculars as well. I'm still in the process of working on a paper that's due tonight at midnight, but it has already been such a long draining day, I need a break for the moment.

I'm currently doing a liver detox. Well, I'm in the pre-detox stage. I was going to go to a really awesome party on Saturday night but now I think I'm going to pass on that one for my health. Haha. The first part is to fast for 3 days drinking only pure, filtered water and organic, unfiltered apple juice (at least 1 qt. a day). I've been doing well with that surprisingly and I haven't had apple juice in forever so it's rather refreshing. On Sunday I'll have a small breakfast and lunch. Probably a grapefruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch (all organic). I'll cease to eat after 2pm on Sunday and then the real detox begins. I'll tell you about the fun part when I get there... suspense...

In the mean-time I will be dreaming about healthy, organic, vegan yummies. I haven't been able to sleep much this week and thus I've been looking up a ton of recipes online and on other blogs. I really want to be my healthiest and I feel like this detox is a good way to boost my vegan, processed-food-free diet and has kinda been struggling lately. I was hoping to make dinner for my boo and I but, alas he is going to be at his parents because it is some kind of family tradition.. I dunno. But I'll make dinner for myself and maybe a friend. I'm hoping I won't feel too badly on Monday after my detox. Since the toxins and such will be released from my liver, they will be in my bloodstream until my body can flush them out. So I may feel crappy for a day or two.

Boyfriend did agree to come over Monday night for V-day desserts. I'm not sure yet what I want to make.. I really want to try a lot of things but I don't want to do something too sugary or anything processed after my detox. But I want to make something splendid for the boy. I'll keep searching...

My life is nuts, and I must now get back to writing my philosophy paper...ugh... as I have a tournament this weekend in Nashville that I'm leaving for at 5:00 today... I'll be finishing my paper in the car.

I hope the hotel has wi-fi.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Someone please buy me this juicer. I've been dreaming of owning this thing...Literally.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby Vegan

So, as I am unable to sleep for the second night in a row, I have been looking at other vegan blogs and feel like such an amateur. I realize that not all vegans are extremely wonderful, creative cooks like those blogs I read, but I want to be them! Some day I will have a lot of vegan foods and recipes and delicious things under my belt. I am so thankful for those who are advanced in this way of life and can give me a little guidance.

Check out these blogs:
Wing-It Vegan
eat, drink, and be vegan

Don't Forget to Dance

Okay, so I made a lot of really wonderful (some may say lofty) resolutions for not just 2011, but for the remainder of my life. Here's a recap.

This year I resolve to:
~Practice a vegan diet and eat more salads
~Buy organic when possible
~Drink more tea, less coffee
~Cook more with variety
~Research and Learn
     + Ask questions
     + Read
     + Converse
     + Explore
     + Listen
~Build new relationships and strengthen old ones
~Focus on family
~Live actively, not idly

So, here's how I've been doing. The salads this isn't working out for me so far.. but I've also been doing some research on seasonal foods and how we crave certain foods that grow locally and seasonally for a reason. They interact with our bodies differently! No wonder I've been eating a TON of soup lately. Honestly, all I want is soup for the most part. 

I'm am doing much better about drinking tea instead of coffee. It is really hard not to go to Starbucks when I'm on campus because it has always been a relaxing fall-back for me. I also know that coffee is a huge comfort for me, physically and emotionally. When I'm stressed or I'm cramping, doesn't matter, coffee makes me feel better.

Being vegan is going well. I slip a little every now and then (I really, really miss cheese. Cream cheese is a weakness.) I don't crave meat at all anymore really and that took a while, so maybe I'll eventually flush my body of desire and addiction for dairy.
I have recently discovered that non dairy ice cream (made with almond milk) is just as delicious at regular ice cream. But, in my quest to find a replacement for ice cream that isn't just a dairy substitute, I have found sorbet. Oh my goodness.. delicious, delicious, and like 3g of fiber in a serving.

On my quest to explore new things, I came  across an opportunity to go to Uganda with Nourish International this summer for 6 weeks. While there, I will be helping to add another room to an orphanage, as well as plant crops and teach the children and the community how to cultivate their land so that they can provide more food and nutrition for their community!!! How stinking cool is that!!? Our first interest meeting is on Thursday and I really can't wait.

I'm still trying to nurture past relationships and build new ones. I've run across some old friends the past few days and I hope that I'll be able to rekindle those friendships. I'm also hoping to make new friends through Nourish International. I can't wait to meet people that really want to make a difference.

This week is nuts and extremely busy. I'm hoping to get back in touch with my family next week when things are a little more calm. (I still have to tell my parents about Uganda.) I've really missed going to Nick's parents' house this week for what is become our traditional Tuesday night vegan dinners. I feel like I've gained another family. : )

I've been trying to write and reflect more as it centers and calms me. I'll be back soon with more challenges and stories.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.

Okay, so if you didn't watch Oprah yesterday (first of all, I don't blame you), she had a segment on veganism. She challenged Harpo Studios to go on a vegan diet for one week and some of the results were amazing. Most people said they felt better. Many lost weight (one guys lost 11 lbs in 1 week! just by changing his diet!) and some said they had much more energy.

One of her main guests was Michael Pollan who has written a few books: The Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense of Food, and Food Rules. He is quite a smart guy. One of his motto's on the cover of In Defense of Food is "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." I think this is a great mantra to live by whether you want to ease into being vegan or continue eating meat, but with more awareness. He is not vegan but eats many vegan meals and meat about 3 times a week.
The other was a lady who had written the book called The Veganist (thus they called her the Veganist on the show, I don't remember her name). I don't think she was very smart with her approach to veganism, though she is said to be an "expert." She went grocery shopping with one of the ladies taking the vegan challenge and instead of buying fresh produce and whole grains, she simply displayed how to by vegan replacements of already processed foods. Most of the grocery cart was filled with packaged food in the end. NOT the way to go about it. One won't reap all the wonderful physical and emotional benefits of being vegan with this approach.

Others who did the vegan challenge learned some disturbing things about themselves, such as addition to fast foods, junk foods, and other really alarming eating habits.

So, my advice is to go vegan, but do it intelligently. Buy cookbooks, find recipes online, or learn from someone who has some experience with vegan cooking. Do not go in blind because you will just end up buying vegan hot dogs which probably are no better than the normal ones.

And always keep learning. Continue to grow. Challenge yourself every day to be the healthier, happier person that you want to be. : ]