Wednesday, October 27, 2010


These past couple weeks have been a journey and a challenge. The vegan life has proven to be a pretty simply one. My binge food is hummus and I'm really feeling good about not making anything with butter, milk or cheese. I know it's definitely cut down on my consumption of saturated fats. (I used to eat a TON of cheese.)
School is kicking my butt. 4 exams and a paper last week, plus work and volleyball refereeing.

So, in loo of the threat of going completely berserk, and a good conversation with my wonderful boyfriend, I am applying to University of California, Berkeley for next Fall and the remainder of my undergraduate career.

The fantastic boy that I'm so completely in love with put things very simply for me the other night. If I'm not happy then I might as well be miserable, therefore I need to change. I'm not unhappy in Knoxville but I don't like it here at all. I'm not 'having the time of my life' as said significant other pointed out and that's just about the reason for college.. other than academia.

So, I'm leaving. Hopefully. I began my application today. I have to write two short essays and report my accomplishments and honors, then I can submit my future to the discretion of the admissions board of UC Berkeley.

This will be a new adventure. My life has been very safe so far. I'm really to start living my life a little more.

There are drawbacks to leaving but I think I'll be happier.

Hold tight, San Fran, I'm on my way.

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