Thursday, October 14, 2010

Breast Cancer

I'm on day what? 3? of being vegan. So far so good. I finished off my Triscuits, so no more processed food for me.

I asked my boyfriend if he would be vegan with me. He was not up for it. I think some day he'll come around though. Whenever he's had all of my yummy vegan food he may just do it. But for now I'm just trying to get my own self on the level that I want to be. I can't wait to be dairy free for like four months. That's gonna feel so great, I just know it. I'm slowly getting myself there.
Some day I want to have my own garden, grow my own veggies, eat only local, in season foods, and be able to get my B12 from the ground instead of from a pill. That's the way we're meant to live. Not with all of this processed food. I'm even trying to nix cereal from my diet, even Kashi. It's not bad per se but I just want to eat only whole foods. I want to make my own granola and oatmeal. I want to prepare all of my food for the day. What would be even better would be to grow all of my produce too. Just imagine the money that I would save on groceries. Only having to buy spices, beans and grains.

I have big hopes to be completely green some day. Have a rain water jug to water my garden with and use in my toilets. I want to use bicycles instead of cars for exercise. My life is going to be great.

I need to get into shape. I signed up for a race today for breast cancer awareness. I hope that I can run all the way. Its only a 5k race.
I want to teach people to prevent cancer some day. I just want to have an impact on humanity. That's my desire.

I just began a book about ancient yoga. I think that I desire to be a yogi. I want peace and serenity. I want to have an objective outlook and still be in the world.
I may start a journey deeper into yoga. We'll see where it takes me.

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