Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Kind Diet

Seeing as I'm studying Nutrition and have been obsessed with what goes into my body for many, many years, I have read countless diet books. The Kind Diet and Skinny Bitch both have very good points. Meat is decaying flesh, why would we want to eat it? Milk is from a lactating cow just as mother's feed their own infants. Humans are the only mammals that drink milk from another species and as adults. Milk is not meant to be a main source of nutrition throughout life.

I really recommend The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone.
I have been "flirting" as Alicia calls it with veganism for a couple months. After reading the book, it has reassured me that I want all of the foreign animal protein and "nasty" out of my body.

So this is my journey. And today was day one. I have gone over a week eating a vegan diet before, so hopefully I can continue on that path. My down-fall the first time was having cheeses in my fridge left over from my simple vegetarian diet. I didn't want to waste the food. Well, all of my dairy is gone.

There are two different diet plans that Alicia talks about in her book. Vegan and the Superhero diet. The Superhero is vegan but also avoids any processed foods as well as nightshades (some vegetables that may contribute to inflammation ie. tomatoes, potatoes, peppers) and foods that are out of season or climate. This Superhero diet is the one I'm essentially aiming for. It makes so much sense and I really believe that it will clear up my skin and make me feel so much better.

So day 1:
Oatmeal w/ sugar cane & cinnamon; Orange Juice
Brown rice, kidney beans, salsa
Avocado, Triscuits (This was my downfall for today, however, it is still a vegan meal. The avocados were not too great because they are out of season, and now, after reading The Kind Diet, I realize they are probably genetically engineered as well. Triscuits are processed and have MSG.)

I had some tea as well, that was really great. I got it on my birthday from Teavana in Atlanta.

I'm been dependent on coffee to keep me regular. I eat a lot of fiber on a regular basis but without coffee things just don't function as well. I'm trying to wean myself of the need for coffee and flush that out of my system as well.

Good bye nastiness. I'm ready for day 2.

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