Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Feeling Foodie

It has been a while since I've posted. I would apologize but I can honestly say I'm not sorry about anything that has happened this past few weeks. I've been having a great time and can't believe that I just am happier with my life each and every day.

I have been cooking a lot more now that I am not working quite so much and I don't have to just cook for myself anymore. Making food is so much more rewarding when you get to share it with someone, especially when it's a healthy meal.

I've been trying to make new things and also bringing out some of my favorite recipes to share with Ben. Last week I made my favorite dish, Spicy Almond Stir Fry, which is now Ben's favorite dish. Even though the recipe is not mine, it still makes me glad to hear Ben say it's the best thing he's ever tasted. We also made a sweet potato lentil soup last Friday with a bunch of veggies all that had been harvested no more than a week prior. The best part about it may definitely have been the fresh celery that I bought that day from the farmers' market. It was a beautiful dark green and had the best aroma I've ever experienced from a vegetable. It was so disappointing when I had to buy celery from the grocery store yesterday, even though it is organic and still really good. It just doesn't compare.

Last week I got a HUGE butternut squash in my CSA box. Actually, it was so big that it was halved. So, yesterday I roasted that with some of the many yams that I have and made a Yam and Squash Curry soup from The Everyday Vegan. I paired it with wild rice and enjoyed the punch of nutrition it gave me. I'm not sure if you've ever noticed how much heat squash and sweet potatoes hold but I splashed some of my soup onto my wrist and I think I may have a 2nd degree burn from it. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but it was definitely painful.

I really was into the cooking mood yesterday and made some Apple-Hemp Muffins after work. I have been meaning to make muffins for a long time because it has been such a struggle for me to wake up in time to make oatmeal for breakfast so I've been skipping breakfast (my nutritionist side yells at me every time I do).  So I finally got some healthy muffins made so I have something to grab and take with me in the mornings.

Tonight is going to be another Stir Fry night but it will be Broccoli and Cashew Stir Fry. I have some gorgeous broccoli from my CSA and some peppers, also. It's so nice to have a boyfriend that is so excited about all of the vegan food I make. I've never met an omni that voluntarily eats so many vegan meals (he eats tofu more than I do!).

I'm also going to cook up some Chipotle Two-Bean Hummus tonight to spread on some AWESOME bread I bought yesterday from the farmers' market. I have some tomatoes and greens that I need to just plop on a sandwich so they don't go bad first.

I have a bunch of eggplant still so I think tomorrow will be a day for some of that spicy eggplant dish that I make. It's really simple but I do love it. And Japanese eggplant is absolutely delish.

I'm so glad to be able to cook more these days. I was really missing being in my kitchen and having freshly prepared meals to eat. I love the pizza and sandwiches Ben makes me at Mellow but some local, fresh veggie meals just can't be topped.

: ]

On a non-food note, today is going to be awesome with some Disney movies, wine night with the girls, seeing a show downtown, and picking up my new bag that I bought. Also, I'm pumped to see my daddy even though my mommy won't be home and I can't see her until Friday night.

All in all.. my life is stupendous, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Well, off to do some homework so I can have a carefree evening when I'm done with classes today.

Enjoy the cool, rainy day. : ]

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