Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Back Down to Earth

I've been floating in the clouds lately. I've been having a great time and enjoying my life so much the past couple weeks. However, it's time to get back to my school work and such before I get into a big whole. I've been pretty unmotivated to study for the past week or two and after being out of practice of studying, my focus has been slacking hard core.

But, tonight I got the motivation that I needed to bring me back to center and remind me that I'm striving toward a goal, one that is noble and will help other people.
One of my co-workers came up to me and asked if I would like to buy a soy candle to help her and her sister raise money to pay for her mom's funeral, who is sick with cancer. She was given 3 months to live and has only about a month remaining from that prediction. Hearing her ask for help burying her mom really made my heart ache. I plan to buy a few candles and help her raise money, but I also gave her the we site for the Gerson Institute and told her that she really needs to look up their treatment. Hopefully people will be helping to pay for funding for her mother becoming well, rather than for her funeral.

I have been thinking a lot about how I want to approach my entry into med school. I've been considering waiting until later than April to take the MCAT like I had planned and then perhaps getting a job and some experience in the medical field before applying to help with gaining acceptance. I would really love to intern or something at the Gerson Institute or in some treatment facility. I could find a Gerson satellite to intern at. I have also thought about going ahead and getting my RD so I have another credential to help pad my application. I just really want to do this right. I want to take the MCAT when I'm ready for it. I want to apply to med school feeling as confident as possible. And I want to get some extra real world experience before I'm again stuck with my nose in a book for another four intense years of school.

So, I'm again seriously contemplating important steps in my life that will hopefully lead me to where I want to be.

Step one I accomplished tonight: I put in my 2 weeks at the Rush. Regular sleep may be a real part of my life again very soon.
Step two: Get caught up in all of my classes and continue to make good grades on my exams.
Step three: Develop relationships that will help with me gain good references.
Step four: Research to keep my interest sparked and passion fueled.

Fun may be put on hold for little while but I can say, I don't think there are many circumstances that can make me feel less than the happiest girl in the world. : ]

Stay healthy. For more than just yourself.

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