Sunday, June 26, 2011

Respect, Goals, and other randomness

So, I've been reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. So far, I'm really into it. First off, it's a great story, second, and because, it makes me think about things that I don't normally think about because I am not really concerned with them on a daily basis. I'm honestly not concerned with them even as I'm thinking about these things, such as the impact of big business and government interference on economy and the ideals and morals that these things indicate. I enjoy pondering this stuff though when time is permitting.

The philosophy of Ayn Rand that she explains a little through the book has prompted me to think about the respect we give one another. One thing that also has seemed to be hard for me to wrap my mind around is the ability to respect people who neglect to take care of or have any concern for their own health and well-being. I try to understand that I am extremely passionate about health as some people are passionate about sports or pop culture or scrapbooking, but I do not see how people cannot make their own body a priority in their life. Well-being... isn't it the goal of life? To be well in order to live life well? My sister has suffered from migraines her entire life and she has decided that maybe making a few healthier choices in lifestyle are worth having more days feeling well so that her experience of life is not hindered by her sickness.

Where these thoughts led me was in the direction of respect. I have a hard time respecting someone who doesn't desire to live well. Which also led me to the thought that the desire to live well stems from having goals. The goal of our lives is to live it. Let's live it well. If we don't have goals, aspirations, standards or values for our life, where does that get us. Passion sort of sums those things up for me. These things come from passion. Passion for achieving something that will give us the sense of accomplishment, of achieving something worthwhile, of a fulfilled livelihood.

Reading this book has really reaffirmed some of the desires I have for my life by the courageous, strong, dedicated characters.

I want to be a great, dependable, honest doctor some day. I want to help others to achieve another level of well-being.
I want to be true to my word and I want to be self-reliant.
I want to be educated and cultured.
I want to love as much as I possibly can.

A healthy lifestyle is crucial for me to reach these goals. My health is not the goal of my life, but it is something of great importance to the fulfillment of my goals and desires and values.

Each year I learn more about myself and I change. For once I feel like I am owning my age and I'm beginning to embrace the circumstances in my life all the more. I can see my development.

Mostly, I am happier.

Live well.

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