Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm really struggling with it.

Lately, I can sit and work on something for hours and still get nothing done. It's quite frustrating.

New resolution.. work on my efficiency.

I have trouble focusing at home or sitting in a house. Coffee shops help to isolate me and my work so I have fewer distractions but that's just pathetic. I should be able to sit in my room and just focus on my work and get it done.

I guess I just need to tell myself to buckle down and get to it.

Summer is killing me.. all this idleness is a hard habit to break after a month and a half.
Free time sabotages all of my efforts. When I don't have much to do, its hard to get even a few things done but when I have a ton of things to do, it's much easier to get it all done.. That makes no sense to me. How do I simple accomplish a moderate amount of work? Haha.

I will be glad when I get home and can get out of vacation mode. I've been in vacation mode since the middle of May so even though I'm having a good time on this trip, it's more of the same that I do at home. When I get home, there will hopefully be work to attend and other things that I can accomplish for my life.

I'm ready for the Fall semester to start.

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