Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

As toxins and foreign proteins are being flushed out of my body, I begin to notice subtle changes in my body after I eat food. Example: I have recently discovered that after I eat sugary foods (cookies, brownies and the like) I feel awful. Not only is the effect physical but mentally and emotionally I feel depressed and sluggish. It was so much so that I have really considered just nixing sweets. I LOVE chocolate, like any normal female should, but I need to just keep a couple dark-chocolate bars in the pantry and break off a small piece when I want my chocolate fix. I used to do that but with all of the enticing vegan sweets recipes that I come across, I can't help but try them out.

However, my mental and emotional health is very necessary for my life, especially as finals are soon, so I will be giving up those sweet treats for a while.

The same effect happens when I over-eat. Obviously, over-eating is really awful. It's all about how you are perceiving food though. Food is fuel. It's nourishment and thankfully it's yummy too! But, we have to keep in mind that we are fortunate enough as Americans to have food security and the food will be there an couple hours later when we are hungry again. We have every day to eat new food.

So, a couple of my recent goals are to really work on eating until 80% full as recommended in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and also to cut down on the sweets for my mental state.

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