Monday, April 4, 2011

Chocolate Overload

Okay, so I know that I said after my fast I was going to focus on not baking so much, but my beautiful friend Jesse that I coach volleyball with ran a half marathon yesterday ending her four month training sweets fast. So, to celebrate, I spent all of yesterday evening making cookies, brownies, blondies, and coconut chocolate candy... eating a little here and there along the way.

I didn't just eat chocolate yesterday though. I made a delicious enchilada, which is the only recipe that I've repeated in a long time. I really try to eat different foods and make different recipes as often as possible. It's healthier and way more exciting. My favorite part about my relatively new new diet is the opportunity to try new things.

Anywho, I also made some awesome chimichangas this week that I liked better the second time around since I used an avocado sauce on top.

Yesterday was a beautifully hot day and definitely was the inspiration behind the enchiladas (and I had all of the ingredients on hand). I sat by the pool a little bit in my bathing suit and realized it is definitely time to get back into running.

My goal is to run at least 3 times a week from now on, especially since the weather is getting better. I have a little accountability to just give me that extra motivation to get moving. So, good bye love handles and flabby thighs!

So, in my quest to look a little better in my bathing suit I'm going to work harder on being more active and eat a little lighter for the month of April. Tomorrow will be day one of my getting fit for bathing suit season regimen. : ]

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