Friday, March 11, 2011

Strawberry-Goji Muffins

What better way to start Spring Break than baking muffins and coffee? This muffins I got from my favorite cookbook author and blogger. So my break is finally here and I've enjoyed my evening by taking a loooong nap, baking, cleaning, and packing for my trip to Atlanta this weekend and Cali.

Even though Fridays are my long days of school, today wasn't bad at all. I had a break between my Biochem lecture and discussion and had a chance to sit at Starbucks and reflect a little bit. I always try to look at the New Year's resolutions that I've made and meditate a little on my progress or other areas I would like to see improvement in. I don't know about you but I make resolutions all the time, new ones just about monthly. Some of them are recurring as I they are on-going qualities or things that I want to make habits. I have definitely gotten a few of my New Year's resolutions under-wraps. These were my resolutions to eat a vegan diet and cook more. I have really enjoyed both of these new ways of living. I love that I know what is in everything I eat and that I know it has nutritional value, even my cookies. I am definitely drinking less coffee now than I used to but it is one of the resolutions that needs to stay on my list as a reminder. I've cut back from pots of coffee to simply a cup and not even every day.

Some of my newer or revised resolutions are:
- Meditate: I have realized, especially of late, that I'm pretty stressed. I am very aware of the feeling of stress in my body (normally a tension headache or a tautness in my chest). I really want to work to reduce that. I resolve to spend sometime meditating every day. Whether its 10 minutes or I am able to do a full hour, I want to put my body in a relaxed, efficient state. I will incorporate stretching and breathing into my meditation. Just a few of my favorite stretching poses to turn my thoughts inward to my body and breath rather than the stress of the world around me.

-My lovely sister said this last night while she was talking to her step daughter: "Remember, how do we move? With a purpose." This is the most brilliant thing I've heard in a long time. I'm going to try to get out of this idle state and learn to really move with a purpose in all areas of my life. I'm not talking about constantly running around but being mindful to live an active life. It's hard to get out of an idle state of mind, but I'm trying to take a lesson from my sister who does this so well, and I admire her so much for it.

-The last resolution I'm going to share is one that is seemingly for others but it's really for myself. I have always loved to see other people happy and healthy, especially my family and close friends. So, I have resolved to encourage others and hopefully have a positive effect on their lives. Whether it is giving someone a healthy recipe or smiling at someone. I just think there needs to be more smiles and love. A little more laughing and joy. I of course believe that health is a key component of this because diet and exercise have such an effect on moods and the feeling of well-being. I am overjoyed by the opportunity to encourage someone to work toward a healthier lifestyle. I also resolve to learn from those around me, like my sister.

With all of that said, smiles and good moods are contagious. Dance and sing with your family and friends. Be a little bit silly. Hug a tree if you're feeling over barren and let it hold all the weight for you. 

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