Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On the Fast Track!

So, I have been doing a 3-day fast in preparation for a simple liver detox that's doing down tomorrow evening. I know that it seems absolutely absurd for someone to go 3 days without food and that it's supposed to be healthy. I just read this interesting paper about the bodily processes during a fast and it also describes the benefits. I don't have the time to recap the essay, but please check it out, if not just for your own knowledge.

Anywho, this is the second time that I have done this fast/detox. I am aiming to do one about every 1.5-2 months.

So, other than the physical benefits of a fast, there are other benefits that I really enjoy (maybe not at the time, though, haha).

First of all, it is a nice break from food prep and eating. I know that sounds even more ridiculous, but for someone who cooks all of her own food, has two jobs, 18 hrs of school and tries to maintain a social life, it is a welcome duty off of my list. I love cooking and eating so much that sometime I shove other priorities aside to play in the kitchen.

Which brings me to my next benefit of fasting. During a fast, I can't use cooking or food to mask any of the problems in my life, whether they are relationship problems, academic duties, or anything else you can think of, I have to deal with them. I really figure out what is not quite up to par in my life when I'm fasting because I can't lean on the bandaid of cooking. Thus, when I can't emotionally eat out of stress or whatever, I have to find a different, hopefully, healthier way of channeling my stress into more productive things. These practices carry on after the fast is over. (Sometimes not for long though, hence the regular periods of fasting.)

What else lingers over after fasting? Well, can I just tell you that after I do my liver detox (which is definitely not so fun, but worth it afterward), I really have no desire to waste all of that effort and fasting by eating sugary, fatty, nutritionally poor foods. On the contrary, during my fast I plan my next few meals for after the detox that will be chock full of vitamins and nutrients to really boost my immune system and the stimulate the effects of my detox. So, if my diet starts to get a little slack (recently I've been obsessed with vegan baked goods), my fast/detox is a regular checkpoint for me to get back on track eating healthier foods and trying not to stuff myself to the brim because they are so delicious.

Also, it is a little eye-opening to think about those who don't have regular daily meals. I'm very thankful that my body has enough energy stores that without eating for 3 days my body doesn't need to break down my muscle mass out of starvation. There are many people in the world that do not have the luxury of food-security. It's not really one of the more pleasant things to think about while fasting, but you really can't help it.

But, on a happier note! My detox is tomorrow so I have some really great plans for my meals on Thursday and Friday which I am more than ecstatic about blogging about. Hopefully, I'll remember to  take pictures also! Oh the joys of nutritious food!!

I know you can't wait! In the mean-time, remember to dance and enjoy life and good health!

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