Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year!!!

I haven't posted in a long time and so here is how my December went... lots of vacation, stress from finals, back and forth with my boyfriend, more vacation, holiday food, conforming to family diet (no meat though), feeling like crap, more vacation, eating too much, gaining weight, feeling utterly shitty.

Now, let's see what January has in store for me! I'm so excited about this new year. I'm excited for my outlook and for the new experiences that I know I'm going to have.

I love the beginning of the year because people suddenly become so focused on health and fitness and that really sparks a fire in me. So, my roommates are now, all about cooking and eating healthfully as well as exercising, as is my boyfriend.

Reflections upon the previous year are crucial to beginning a new one with vigor. My reflections:
-Being vegetarian is really easy. Vegan is a little more difficult for social reasons.
-Loyalty is more important in one's actions, than words.
-Life is better when you are filling it up to the brim.
-Happiness is the ultimate goal.
-Family loves unconditionally.

This year I resolve to:
~Practice a vegan diet and eat more salads
~Buy organic when possible
~Drink more tea, less coffee
~Cook more with variety
~Research and Learn
     + Ask questions
     + Read
     + Converse
     + Explore
     + Listen
~Build new relationships and strengthen old ones
~Focus on family
~Live actively, not idly

This year, I want to remember all of the things that make me happy, that motivate, strengthen, and inspire me. Then get involved in those things instead of planning and planning without doing.

I also want to revamp my view of others. I really believe that there is something special and unique to each person, whether I agree or not. I want to remember to appreciate others for their unique qualities and have a less elitist perspective.

Bring it on 2011!

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