Friday, September 30, 2011

Reflections on Progress

Looking back at the resolutions I made for myself for this year, I find that I've more or less realized my goals. To recap...

This year I resolve to:
~Practice a vegan diet and eat more salads
~Buy organic when possible
~Drink more tea, less coffee
~Cook more with variety
~Research and Learn
     + Ask questions
     + Read
     + Converse
     + Explore
     + Listen
~Build new relationships and strengthen old ones
~Focus on family
~Live actively, not idly

I can't even begin to describe how much things like dancing and spending a good amount of time interacting with people will change your mood. I'm not sure I've ever been happier that I am right now, and I have felt this way for a good while. I always feel like things can improve in every situation, so as my 21st birthday approaches (Sunday!! Hurray!!) there are a few things that I feel would enhance my quality of life. However, instead of making a bunch of resolutions for this year, I have decided to make just one very serious commitment. 

I'm making a commitment to myself to really pursue happiness in all aspects of my life; to avoid situations and circumstances that create anxiety, stress, or bad feelings; and to maintain a balance between responsibility and liberty. 

I know some of the things that keep me sane and balanced.
- Stretching every night before bed
- Getting regular exercise
- Eating well
- Talking with good friends
- Spending time with family
- Interacting with nature
- Nurse my passion

It will be a little tougher staying committed to avoid the stressors in my life that are unnecessary. 
- Overeating
- Procrastinating 
- Clutter
- Lack of sleep

And in addition to all of that, I'd like to explore and learn about new things, places, and people. We are in this world to interact with who or what is around us. This is what makes life interesting and be having positive relationships with our environment, our lives can be a little more carefree. However, though it seems as though some of my commitments are to others such as my family and my friends, in the end these are just commitments to myself to lead the happiest, most fulfilled life, because at the end of the day, the only thing that is really important in my world is my own happiness... and I am the only one that is responsible for creating it.

Express your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


There isn't really any object of this post, I just have a spare minute and haven't posted in a while. My life has calmed down a little bit and I'm starting to get back to an equilibrium. I love how life is, we have crazy moments and disturbances but there's always a way to get back to center.

What do you do to realign yourself whenever you're feeling out of whack?
The other night before heading to work I felt as though I were going to have an anxiety attack. Not for any particular reason, I just was stressed and not right. So, I made a constructive list of things I needed to do to bring myself back to happiness and equilibrium.

First thing was to clean. When my environment is cluttered, it's hard to escape stress since it just adds to it. I vacuumed the house, cleaned my room, the kitchen, the living room and did my laundry. Immediately feeling better.

The I knew I needed to do something creative to stimulate my brain but in a different way than my usually studying and homework. (That's another reason I like this blog, it does that for me a little bit.) So, after cleaning up I hung some shoe boxes up in my room to add a little flair to my decor. I got out some old art pieces from high school to hang as well.

Whenever I'm stressed, one of the first things I examine is my physical well being, since all emotion and thought stems from chemical reactions in your body, improper balances of nutrients can really make someone a nut job. So, I have been really focused on eating at regular intervals and eating a normal breakfast, something I have recently gotten away from doing. I made some coconut curry, bought some bread and have been eating well.

I also have made the commitment to do some exercise everyday. It doesn't need to be a killer workout, just a short job to break a sweat and get my blood pumping. I believe that my qi was not flowing properly and so going for a jog really has helped that.

Also, instead of exercising inside, I've been jogging outside, in the sunlight and the fresh air. I've been really detached from the earth since school started back up and I think that has really taken a toll on my ability to see my life from a distant perspective. So, after my jog, I pick a tree and, yes, give it a big hug. : ]
Instantly light-hearted. You can't hug a tree and still be in a seriously down mood afterward. It's just not possible.

There are still some more things that I need to do in order to gain more satisfaction with my life but at the moment I've feeling peachy keen.

Picking up my CSA today. Making a healthy dinner this evening. Going to see Lion King in 3D tonight.
My day couldn't look any better.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mind Munchies

What would you do if you weren't scared?

Bitter Sweet Life

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been so busy, I couldn't even imagine having time to just sit and type out a blog. However, I'm stranded on campus before class without any of my books, thus not able to work on the massive amounts of homework that define my life.

So, just a little update on my life. I've been working like a crazy person and taking 20 hours of class. So far, so good. I'm starting to hit a brick wall because it seems like when I'm working, I'm working both jobs every night, and then I get a few days off of both. So, I'm about ready for my recuperating time.

I absolutely love both of my jobs (and CBFO but that's a given). I have met so many awesome and fun people that it's not ever a chore to go into work. The only time I ever want to leave work is when I am just sleepy.

I have had to catch up on some sleep lately so I haven't had much time to get some of the studying done that I would like so normally my days off consist of doing copious amounts of studying. However, I still try to see my parents and my friends on a regular basis to keep me sane. I've been able to Skype Austin a lot lately which has been bitter sweet, such is the story of my life.

ANYwho, I've been so blessed to have the opportunity to talk to some really interesting people lately. One of my coworkers at the Rush is equally intrigued by health and nutrition as I am and we bounce ideas off of each other all the time. He is a really creative guy and I love being around people whose minds are constantly firing with new ideas. Also, yesterday at Earth Fare (I went to study but got nothing done) I was talking with this lady who works at a sleep lab. She was telling me about how many doctors lack the business mind to really grow and manage their practices as efficiently as should be. That was a new thing for me to think about and I really am grateful for all of the insight she gave me. (She also told me I could literally go crazy from lack of REM sleep. Haha. I'll be cautious about that.)

I've been in such a great mood for the past month or so I almost don't even know what to do with myself. I really love being out and meeting people. Everyone has something to offer and in the words of Jack Kerouac in On The Road, I like to dig people and dig life. To really get to know what people are all about and learn from their experiences and knowledge. So although I've been getting less sleep that desired and having so much to do, I've really enjoyed this semester thus far and I'm not at all regretful about taking this on.

I've been thinking about researching the effects of food and nutrition on hormones and mood for quite some time. Also, I have noticed a distinct difference in my mindset and overall emotional state since leaving adolescence and really would like to research hormone changes during adolescence (and of course the effect that nutrition has on those changes), whenever I find the time to do so.
Another small topic that I thought about while conversing with my coworker at the Rush was a question about corn. Most of you have observed first had that corn is not very well digested. I became curious as to the effect of corn products in so many of the processed foods in America with respect to its poor digestibility. It may be a simple answer but it also could so some really interesting things. So, again, maybe some day I'll have the time to research all of my questions.

On a completely off topic, I'm SOOO glad that the weather has cooled off. I'm sitting outside and I'm at my basal cold temperature rather than sweating profusely. Glad that fall is here and I can now bring out the cute cold weather clothing I love so much. : ]