Monday, April 2, 2012


I can't believe that it is already April. Today is also my half birthday. I only have 6  more months to be 21 years old. That's kind of scary. So this next month is going to be completely dedicated to myself. (Leah, stop making jokes.) I come first in April. I've recently discovered that I have a gluten sensitivity/intolerance so April will be about trying to figure out how to be gluten free and vegan without living on french fries. I'm also going to begin the Insanity workouts. I read recently that coffee an hour before exercise helps to give you energy and a more successful work out and that working out on an empty stomach also helps your metabolism to function at its very best. So my plan for the next month is to wake up quite early, drink ORGANIC fresh coffee and do some work and organizing for an hour before I do my Insanity exercise for the day. This is the plan.. This is what I want. Nothing is going to get in my way.
Also, in April I will return to cooking all of my food and enjoying healthy, organic vegetables.

On a more professional note. April is my last month of school. So I'm going to be focused to finish strong and not slack off as is normal for me at the end of Spring semester.

I'm also determined to get a job doing something medical. I have already applied to Medic so that I can hopefully get some phlebotomy practice. I only have one more weekend of volleyball so I will have a ton of free time after that to do all of the things that I want to do.

I'm going to relax, but I'm going to do it in a different manor. I'm going to be as productive as possible so that I will have much less to stress about. I think this is the only way to do it.

So, here's to April and here's to striving every day to be more of the person you want to be while always being the person you are.