Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's been stopping me..

...from posting? I have no idea. But I've been so uninspired today that I'm compelled to post something. I've been stuck in a bit of a rut the past couple of days and I can't get out of it. (Maybe it's my vitamin D deficiency killing my mood). But what has really sparked my curiosity as I've been sulking all day is this:

The person I truly desire to be.

And more importantly:

What's keeping me from being that person?

I've always pitied the people who have not a clue what they want to do with their lives, what they are passionate about, and so forth. Not because I look down upon these people, but because I feel so blessed to have found my passion very early in life and to have family that has cultivated those passions and helped me to figure myself out.

But then it hit me. What's more sad, not having a direction and wandering aimlessly or knowing almost exactly where you want to go and simply not moving..??

I think that latter is worse, and perhaps that's what has me down.

So, that all-important question, what keeps us from doing the things we want to do, and being the person we want to be?

Some reasons/excuses could be very understandable: lack of skills, physically unable, financially unable, other responsibilities, other time commitments.

These seem like very reasonable things that get in the way of the person inside of use striving to be unleashed.

But, those things don't really seem to fit with me. What are the other things that keep me from being who I feel I was born to be?

I've questioned myself and the answers that come to my mind really aren't pleasant ones like: fear (of many things I'm sure), laziness, discipline, unfamiliarity, challenge, needing to be accepted, accepting I'm a bit different, lack of support, and the list probably goes on..

But, Leah once said, "Why waste your time doing anything that doesn't make you happy?"

This is so true. That also goes for wasting your time NOT doing things that DO make you happy.

So, I think for the next week or so, I'm going to get my life straight. I'm going to start being the person I want to be. It's true for me and probably most other people too, the person I want to be is a person who overcomes challenges and works hard. It's the hard work that attracts us, but also what drives us away.

I think support may be the one of the biggest things to accomplishing this. Support to begin and to continue. Also, self-respect. To love yourself enough to be yourself.

I was watching a clip of Ellen interviewing Lady Gaga today and Gaga says that she tries to spend 5 minutes everyone morning thinking compassionate thoughts about herself. Which is expressing love for yourself and the desire to alleviate any of the misfortune or distress in your life. So basically, spend a few minutes before you start your day loving yourself. Desire to alleviate distress from your life.
Give yourself compliments and encourage yourself to continue on to be who you are.

Try to find someone, or some outlet that you can tell of your accomplishments and reflect on your failures.

Live your life, love yourself. Interact with others and feed off of positive energy.

Be inspired. Be yourself.

*Born this way*